Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Coelia IV: William Percy

William Percy's sonnets in "Coelia" are basically in Petrarchan form, using the scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG

Sonnets to the Fairest Coelia: IV

     OH, heavenly Coelia! as fair as virtuous,
The only mirror of true chastity!
Have I been 'gainst thy godhead impious,
That thus am guerdon'd for my fealty?

     Have I not shed upon thine ivory shrine,
Huge drops of tears, with large eruptions?
Haue I not offered, evening and at prime,
My sighs, my psalms of invocations?

     What be men's sighs, but calls of guilefulness?
They shew, deare Love! true proof of fermity.
What be your tears but mere ungraciousness?
Tears only plead for our simplicity

     When all strike mute–she says it is my duty,
     And claims as much as to her Deity.


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